lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

México an interesting destination for China

In 2012 China & Mexico celebrated 40 years of diplomatic relations based on “mutual respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, non-aggression and non-intervention in the internal or external affairs”. See document:

Last year China’s President Xi Jinping        visited Mexico, simbolizing a new era in the overall diplomatic and cooperation relations (relaunching).
In September 2013 they met again –for the third time- in the framework of the Group of TwentyLeaders Summit,(G20).
A Latin America Summit is expected to be celebrated in Mexico in 2015.

Mexico has been characterized as a country -with almost a century- of political stability, in a region characterized ofpolitical instability. (Latin America).

Mexico is under a “structural reforms program”; in the telecomunnications, energy, economic efficiency, so as the fiscal and political sector. These reforms will providethe legal framework to increase the trade liberalization and efficiency.

Since 1986 when Mexico joined the GATT, precedent of the World Trade Organization,Mexico started to open its economy; today Mexico has a network of 10 Free TradeAgreements with 45 countries, 30 Agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments and 9 limited scopeagreements (Economic Complementation Agreements and partial scope agreementsinthe framework of the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA). 

In additionMexico actively participates inmultilateral and regional organizations andforums such as the World Trade Organization(WTO), the Asia-Pacific Mechanism (APEC)Economic Cooperationthe Organization forEconomic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the LAIA. has celebrated numerousbilateral and multilateral free trade agreements.

NAFTA, North America Free Trade Agreementstarted in 1994.
In June 2013 Mr. Jinping and Mr. Peña signedan Strategical Association between China and Mexico.

China has a massive trade surplus with Mexico: Last year, it exported $57 billion worth of goods to Mexico, while Mexico only exported $6 billion to China. Mexico's current exports to China "are not representative of our potential if we had proper access to the market, and that will be part of the dialogue," Foreign Relations Secretary Meade said.

Mexico has a privileged geographical location in the world to access diverse markets in Latin America, North America and Europe. China has expressed interest toinvest in train corridors in Mexico. China is evaluating the feasibility of the “TransIsthmus Corridor”, a railroad that will connect the port of Coatzacoalcos in the Gulf of México (Atlantic Ocean), and the port of Salina Cruz in the Pacific Ocean. This 350 kilometers “corridor” would become an alternative to the Panama Canal; that isoperating above its capacity and it is veryinefficient nowadays.

If this project becomes a reality, would boost the commercial relations of the two countries; needless to say the economic impact in the Istmo de Tehuantepec area.