lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Problemas con la autoestima

Buscar siempre la aprobación externa puede resultar un arma de dos filos. La clave es aumentar el valor personal ante uno mismo, pero no delante de nadie. Ramón Saiso, El País Semanal (24/11/13).

De pequeños, pocos reciben una educación enfocada al bienestar emocional, y después, de mayores, al carecer de una referencia interna, las personas buscan en los demás un sucedáneo de autoestima que acaba creando más problemas de los que trata de solucionar. Se han escrito muchos libros sobre el tema, se imparten cursos y se llenan consultas de personas que desean mejorar su autoconcepto…pero muchos olvidan que la valía es fruto de la autopercepción y no de lo que digan los demás.

Nuestra cultura occidental ha inventado la necesidad de ser “especial”, para alguien o en algo. Y nosotros hemos comprado ese deseo. ¿Qué ha ocurrido? Quién más, quién menos, construye una idea de sí mismo en positivo o en negativo. Es decir, hay personas que se sienten “mejores” –por encima de los demás– (se aman) y otras que se sienten “peores” –por debajo de los otros– (y se odian).

"No conozco la clave del éxito, pero la clave del fracaso es tratar de complacer a todo el mundo".
Woody Allen

No sé de dónde salió la idea de que debemos buscar la aprobación externa, el cuento de que, en el caso de obtenerla, podemos sentirnos felices, y en el caso de no obtenerla, hemos de sentirnos desgraciados. El reconocimiento externo es un arma de dos filos: por un lado, puede subir la moral, pero también puede dejar por los suelos el estado de ánimo. Demasiado riesgo, máxime cuando la aprobación o la censura se suele hacer con ligereza.

Alguien dijo: “Dale un premio a un escritor y ya no escribirá nada más de valor”. No siempre es así, por fortuna, pero es verdad que el escritor después de recibir un galardón soporta un estrés adicional, ya que se ve obligado a no defraudar las expectativas de sus lectores y estar a la altura del reconocimiento recibido.

Formas de mirarse
Cuando una persona se convierte en buscadora compulsiva de la aprobación externa, entra en su propia trampa y en un ciclo sin fin. Se condena a sí misma, sin saberlo, a ir de cumplido en cumplido, a recabar la aprobación ajena, a necesitar incluso el halago. Ya no es libre, depende de que otros alimenten su necesidad de ser aprobada. Es como un adicto emocional que padece el síndrome de abstinencia. Se podía decir que esa persona pierde el tiempo y la paz mental buscando la felicidad en el lugar equivocado.

Es obvio que no hay nada malo respecto a contar con el beneplácito ajeno. El problema es cuando se necesita y, sobre todo, cuando se confunde el verdadero valor personal con la complacencia externa. Son dos cosas muy diferentes, y cuando se entiende esta gran diferencia, las personas se centran en su valor y no en buscar ser valoradas.

Reforzar la autoestima significa aumentar el valor personal ante uno mismo, pero no delante de nadie. Cualquier palabra que empiece con auto (autoestima, autoconcepto, autoimagen…) tiene que ver con uno mismo y no con los demás. Aun estando claro, parece que se olvida. Llega un momento en la vida en el que tenemos que centrarnos en aclarar la relación con la persona más importante, que no es otro que uno mismo. Si esa relación es sana e intensa, seremos felices; si es insana, seremos infelices.

Tampoco hay que confundir la valoración propia con la arrogancia, que es precisamente la defensa de las personas que tienen poca. Hay dos clases de autoestima falsa: la evaluación que hacen de sí mismos aquellos que se creen mejores que los demás y la que hacen los que se sienten peores que los demás. Ambas percepciones son una visión desajustada del valor intrínseco que cada persona tiene por el simple hecho de ser un ser humano.

"Si crees totalmente en ti mismo, no habrá
nada que esté fuera de tus posibilidades".
Wayne Dyer

No hay diferencia, salvo en el signo en las expresiones: “soy el mejor” y “soy el peor”. Ambas expresiones demuestran un desconocimiento del valor real del ser humano, y confunden la comparación externa con la autoevaluación interna. En el fondo reflejan el mismo problema, pero con dos sistemas de compensación diferentes: uno a más y el otro a menos. Fue Sigmund Freud quien decía que esta compensación en realidad es una deformación para poder soportar una autoestima lesionada.

Elevar la autoestima depende de tomar la decisión de que somos valiosos al margen de los resultados que obtengamos, y de recordar siempre esta decisión. No necesitamos pruebas ni resultados. Se trata de una decisión interior que se apoya en uno mismo y no en los demás. La mejor manera de influir en cómo nos perciben los demás es mejorar la forma en que nos vemos a nosotros mismos. Sin duda, eso generará de alguna manera un impacto porque cuando las personas se quieren más, el mundo las quiere más.

Una pequeña diferencia, en más o en menos, del nivel de autoestima de una persona va a marcar una discrepancia dramática en lo que conseguirá de la vida, tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Así, nuestro rendimiento nunca será mayor que la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos.

Una persona con autoestima saludable es: sabia sin ser pedante, asertiva sin ser agresiva, poderosa sin necesitar la fuerza, ambiciosa sin ser codiciosa, profunda y no banal, humilde sin ser servil, valiosa sin ser orgullosa. Y lo más importante: deja de compararse con los demás, ya sea en positivo o negativo.

Las consecuencias
“El modo en que nos sentimos con respecto a nosotros mismos afecta de forma decisiva a todos los aspectos de nuestra experiencia, desde la manera en que funcionamos en el trabajo, el amor o el sexo, hasta nuestro proceder como padres y las posibilidades que tenemos de progresar en la vida. Nuestras respuestas ante los acontecimientos dependen de quién y qué pensamos que somos. Los dramas de nuestra vida son los reflejos de la visión íntima que poseemos de nosotros mismos. Por tanto, la autoestima es la clave del éxito o del fracaso. También es la clave para comprendernos y comprender a los demás. De todos los juicios a que nos sometemos, ninguno es tan importante como el nuestro propio”. Cómo mejorar su autoestima, de Nathaniel Branden.
El secreto es prescindir de autojuzgarse. Es mucho más interesante establecer una relación de amor con el planeta en lugar de mirar de puertas adentro para evaluar si somos dignos o no de amor. Lo que lo cambiaría todo es dejar de autoevaluarse y perseguir conectarse con el resto del mundo.

Del mismo modo que la forma de librarse de los defectos es aumentar las cualidades –ya que aquellos se diluyen en estas–, la mejor forma de no tener que conseguir una buena nota es prescindir de ponerse una, cualquiera que sea.

Imaginemos un mundo donde amarse no fuese una ardua tarea. En ese mundo ideal no se perdería el tiempo y la energía en reparar lo que en realidad no necesita reparación, sino una nueva percepción. En ese nuevo conocimiento de uno mismo, la avería de la autoestima simplemente no sería posible porque el concepto sería irrelevante. En ese mundo ideal, todas las personas se conocerían bien, a nivel esencial, se aceptarían y se respetarían a sí mismas. En esa utopía no se vendería ningún libro o servicio sobre cómo mejorar la percepción que tenemos de nosotros mismos.

Leyendo las biografías de Vicente Ferrer o la madre Teresa de Calcuta, uno se da cuenta de que estas personas no tenían este problema. Simplemente estaban más centrados en los demás que en ellos mismos. Y al hacerlo se evitaban un montón de complicaciones, incluida la de necesitar la aprobación ajena. Seguramente esas personas se levantaban cada día centrados en cómo iban a ayudar a quien lo necesitase y les ofrecían todo su apoyo. No creo que se mirasen al espejo para ver si estaban guapos o feos, o que se perdieran en divagaciones mentales sobre qué diría la prensa de ellos o si eran adecuados o no. Actuaban desde el amor, y en ese contexto la autoestima es innecesaria.

Cuando pienso en la madre Teresa, me cuesta imaginarla usando este término. Imagino que su foco de atención estaba siempre lejos de sí misma, en los demás, y su autoconcepto no tenía la más mínima importancia para ella. Y así debería ser para todos. Cuando el Dalai Lama visitó Occidente por primera vez y le preguntaron qué diría a las personas con baja autoestima, él respondió: “¿Pero es que no se quieren? ¿Por qué razón?”. En su mente no cabía semejante posibilidad, pues en su cultura y en su filosofía, hablar de este término carece de significado. Esta podría ser una buena receta para egos inflados o raquíticos: olvidarse un poco más de sí mismos y enfocarse plenamente en dar lo mejor que uno tiene, en lo personal y en lo profesional. En definitiva, entender que la autoestima baja o alta es un síntoma de desconocimiento del yo esencial.


viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

John F. Kennedy: decision-making process

Late in the evening on October 18, 1962, Attorney General Robert Kennedy squeezes into the front seat of his car. With him is the CIA director, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a driver. Six other high-level officials crowd into the back seat. The packed car secretly speeds off from the State Department to the White House, where President John F. Kennedy waits.
What are all those hotshots doing jammed into a car that evening in Washington? It’s all part of a plan for President Kennedy to make the most critical decision in his life—how to respond in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

And as it turned out, the way President Kennedy orchestrated and led the decision-making process made all the difference. For that, he leaves a huge legacy in management.

But at the time, success was hardly assured.

Eighteen months earlier, he’d made arguably the worst decision he ever made, to support an ill-conceived covert operation to unseat Fidel Castro, known today as the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Yale psychologist Irving Janis used the debacle to coin the term “groupthink,” which refers to a psychological drive for consensus at any cost that suppresses dissent and appraisal of alternatives. Historian Arthur Schlesinger, who took part in that decision process, later wrote that “our meetings were taking place in a curious atmosphere of assumed consensus, [and] not one spoke against it.”
After the Bay of Pigs Kennedy brilliantly retooled his group decision-making process. He ordered a review (keep in mind that not even the military was doing formal after-action reviews at the time) and subsequently instituted four changes to how his top team would make critical decisions:

1) Each participant should function as a “skeptical generalist,” focusing on the problem as a whole rather than approaching it from his or her department’s standpoint.
2) To stimulate freewheeling discussions, the group should use informal settings, with no formal agenda and protocol, so as to avoid the status-laden meetings in the White House.
3) The team should be broken into sub-groups that would work on alternatives and then reconvene.

4) The team should sometimes meet without Kennedy present, so as to avoid people simply following his views.

The whole idea was to solicit diverse viewpoints, stimulate debate, explore options, probe assumptions, and let the best plan win on its merits.
Then, on the morning of October 15, 1962, President Kennedy and his team learn that the Soviets are placing nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba—missiles that a few minutes after being fired would kill eighty million Americans.

That very morning, top military brass insist on an immediate and massive military strike to take out the missiles. But this time, instead of debating only the one plan, they follow the new approach, which calls for exploring options. So someone suggests an alternative—a naval blockade to force the Soviets to remove the missiles.

As the new process unfolds, Kennedy instructs his brother to lead a thorough deliberation of the two alternatives. The group of more than a dozen men meets in an unassuming office at the Sate Department and shuttles secretly back and forth to the White House (hence the ride with ten men stuffed into the car that evening). Frank discussions ensue. “There was no rank, and in fact we did not even have a chairman…the conversations were completely uninhibited,” Robert Kennedy would later recall.
As time passes, they deploy another new approach: they divide into sub-groups, with one developing a position paper arguing for the military strike, the other for the blockade. They then swap papers, dissecting and criticizing one another. In this way, the groups are able to probe decisions and surface pros and cons. Two days later, the group presents the fully developed alternatives to President Kennedy, who chooses to pursue the blockade. The blockade is successful, and prevents a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.
How often do we see leaders learn from their mistakes this profoundly?

President Kennedy’s redesign of his decision making process has had enormous influence ontoday’s management thinking on leading teams. The idea of instilling candid debate to avoid groupthink has become a guiding principle in many business school classrooms and boardrooms.
It would be easy to assume that we’d always made high-stakes decisions through a structured method of seeking different options and debating which was right. But that would be wrong; first, someone had to decide to invent it.

Morten T. Hansen, Harvard Business Review.

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

¿Qué se necesita para ser emprendedor ?

Emprender un proyecto o negocio no es algo que suceda de la noche a la mañana, es un proceso que toma tiempo. Estos pasos te ayudarán a conseguirlo:
  • Mira hacia adelante: Trata de ver el futuro, a pesar de que estés trabajando en tu presente. Intenta entender cómo se desarrollará la industria, sin temor a equivocarte.
  • Habla con la gente y actúa: Te sorprenderás cuántas personas quieren trabajar contigo, una vez que comiences a hacer cosas.
  • Usa tu instinto: Tú conoces tu negocio mejor que nadie; pero lo más importante es que te conozcas a ti mismo y que confíes en ti.
  • Bloquea dudas: Escucharás muchos NO en el camino, pero no te desanimes, sigue adelante.
  • Sigue tu pasión: Elige un trabajo que realmente te guste y que hagas muy bien y no tendrás que trabajar ni un solo día de tu vida.
  • Trabaja duro: No sólo hables, ponte en acción; construye tu marca, encuentra asociados y asesores, y consigue capital.

Además debes contar con ciertas características:
  • Ambición: Asumir riesgos de una manera natural.
  • Iniciativa: Tener motor propio.
  • Superación: Capacidad de tolerar el fracaso, de reponerte y comenzar de nuevo.
  • Creatividad: Capacidad de improvisar para solucionar problemas nuevos.
  • Liderazgo: Visión y capacidad de convocar a otros.
  • Organización: Buscar los medios más apropiados para alcanzar los objetivos.

Fuente: Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor, INADEM.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Mexico's tax reforms

Major amendments in proposed “tax reforms” by the Executive,  and its final approval by Congress.


Executive Proposal
Chamber of Deputies verdict
Senate verdict
Apply the general rate of VAT (16%) to the following acts or activities:
  • Foreign public land transport people
  • Chewing gum
  • Sale of pets and pet food
The Senate approved the package in the same terms as the House
Standardize the VAT rate across the country, so it eliminates the rate of 11% in the border area
Taxing 16% temporary imports, including those made by maquiladoras and IMMEX
Apply the general rate of VAT (16%) to the following acts or activities:
  • Sale and lease of homestead
  • Interest on mortgage loans for house room
  • Payments of tuition
  • Public shows
  • Sale of gold jewelry, gold, artistic or ornamental pieces and ingots, minimum content of the material is 80% of this metal


Executive Proposal
Chamber of Deputies verdict
Senate verdict
Apply the rate of 32% for individuals with annual incomes of more than 500,000 pesos
Approve the following rates apply:
  • 31% for incomes between $ 500,000 and $ 750,000
  • 32% between $ 750,000 and $ 1'000, 000
  • 34% for income between one and up to three million
  • 35% from three million pesos
Approve the following rates apply:
  • 30% for annual incomes up to $ 750,000
  • Other items are kept in the terms approved by the Chamber of Deputies
Eliminated the simplified scheme for the agricultural sector
They rejected the removal of this regime for the primary sector, without specifying the treatment of investments in fixed assets, deferred charges and expenses
Approved as an expense deduction, the expenditures made for the acquisition of fixed assets, deferred charges and expenses. It also forces taxpayers of this sector to register the RFC
It limits the deduction of benefits (which are exempt income for the worker) to 41% of the total paid
Deductible percentage was increased to 47%
Although generally keeping the deductible percentage of 47%, in those cases where employers do not diminish the benefits granted during the year in question, with respect to those granted in the previous year may deduct up to 53%
Includes Incorporation Scheme for taxpayers with incomes up to 1 million pesos and a retention period of six years
Is amended income cap to 2 million pesos
The period during which they may remain in the scheme will be 10 and 6 years as originally proposed
Eliminate the deduction of purchases at restaurants
The deduction will be up to 8.5% of the amount of consumption
Senators approved these changes in the same terms as the House
Paying income tax on the sale of house room when the sale price exceeds 250,000 UDI
It increases the amount of the exemption to UDI 700,000
It limits the amount of personal allowances to 2 SMG annually or 10% of the taxpayer's income, whichever is less
It increases the exemption amount to 4 SMG annually or 10% of the taxpayer's income, whichever is less
Condition the deductibility of food stamps that these are delivered through electronic card
Taxing profits obtained in the Mexican Stock Exchange with 10%
Eliminate Tax Consolidation Regime
Delete the immediate deduction of investment
Limit to $ 200.00 per day the amount deductible for car rental
Limit to $ 130,000.00 the amount deductible on auto investment
It eliminates the deduction of social security contributions paid by the employee when they are absorbed by the employer
Deduction is conditioned food coupons as these are delivered through electronic purses
Eliminates Small Taxpayers Regime

Special Tax on Production and Services (IESPS)

Executive Proposal
 Chamber of Deputies verdict
Senate verdict
N / A
Approved a tax of 5% on junk food
 Increases the rate of 8% applicable to junk food IESPS
Apply a fee of one peso per liter to the sale and import of sugary drinks
The Senate approved these reforms in the same terms as the House
Impose a tax on fossil fuel sales (average $ 70.00 per ton of CO2)
It modifies the applicable rate (average $ 39.80 per ton of carbon)
IESPS levy sales of pesticides
Decreased the rate proposed by the Executive


Executive Proposal
Chamber of Deputies verdict
Senate verdict
Flat Tax Repeal
The Senate approved the package in the same terms as the House
Repeal the IDE
Create a special law on mining, to be taxed at a rate of 7.5% the positive difference between the income resulting from the sale of the extracted and allowable deductions
It retains the right in the same terms, but states that the proceeds thereof are distributed as follows: 50% to cities where they settle mines, 30% state and 20% to the federation


Price Waterhouse Coopers
Mexico 2014
Tax amendments

Executive Summary

In October 31, 2013, the Mexican Congress approved a number of tax amendments for the 2014 period, which are yet to be published in the Official Gazette. Most of those amendments will go into effect on January 1, 2014.

As a result of the different measures approved, the federal government expects to receive revenue of $4.4 trillion pesos, which is 12.82% above the 2013 revenue budget.

The 2014 Federal Revenue Law estimates an average peso/dollar exchange rate of $12.90, inflation of 3%, and average price of $85 per barrel of crude oil, 3.9% growth in the Gross National Product (GNP), internal and external indebtedness of up to $570,000 million of pesos and $10,000 million dollars, respectively, accounting for the equivalent of 16% of total budgeted revenue. Estimated revenue arising from taxes, Social Security dues and government fees rose 6.25, 4.76 and 2.5% respectively over 2013. The principal increases are seen in a hike of 153% in excise tax and 23% in income tax.

The tax amendments are aimed at boosting tax revenue, focused mainly on strengthening the income tax base, which had been eroded over the last few years by a number of incentives for investment, savings and support for specific sectors.

The result of the tax amendments coincides with the commitments signed by the Federal Executive in December 2013 in the Pact for Mexico as concerns strengthening the State’s financial capacity and conducting a comprehensive revision of the policy for subsidies and special regimes with a view to establishing an efficient, transparent and progressive system.


Following is a summary of the main amendments:

Income Tax Law

Business entities

A new Income Tax Law has been approved, which eliminates the judicial and administrative resolutions pertaining to the law in effect up to 2013. The Regulations to the Income Tax Law will remain in effect to the extent that they do not conflict with the new law.


Tax regimes and deductions that have been eliminated

The new Income Tax Law eliminates, among others, the following tax regimes and deductions:

1. The tax consolidation regime, although a new regime has been created for corporate groups wishing to defer income tax over a maximum of three years.

2. The simplified regime, although the following two regimes have been created:

• Coordinated (truckers)

• Agricultural, cattle breeding, forestry and fishing operations

3. Small Taxpayers and Intermediate individuals, although a mechanism has been created for gradual incorporation into the general regime.

4. The special regime for Real Estate Investment Companies

5. The immediate deduction of fixed asset investments, the deduction of Social Security dues payable by the worker and absorbed by the employer, the 100% deduction of expenses incurred in the preoperating period in the mining sector and global preventive reserves for credit institutions.


The additional tax on dividends

Residents abroad and Mexican individuals will be subject to an additional 10% tax on dividends paid from profits generated as from 2014, payable via withholding by the paying entity; considered a definitive payment.

This additional tax will also be paid by Mexican individuals receiving dividend payments from companies resident abroad.


Changes to special regimes and authorized deductions

The new Income Tax Law changes the treatment for the following tax regimes and deductions:

1. The maquiladora regime

2. The maximum amount deductible for restaurant expenses is 8.5%, $200 daily for leases, $130,000 for investments in automobiles, and 53% and 47% for contributions to pension

and retirement funds and exempt salaries paid to workers.

3. Employment of senior citizens is entitled to an additional deduction of 25% of salaries paid.

4. Capital gains on sales through the Stock Exchange are subject to 10% tax.


The taxable base for Employees’ Statutory Profit-Sharing (ESPS)


The only differences between the tax base for income tax and ESPS are:

1. ESPS paid in the period

2. Amortized tax losses

3. 47% or 53% of nondeductible exempt salaries

4. Historic depreciation for fixed assets deducted immediately in prior periods.



1. The tax rate applicable to individuals is increased by adding three brackets. i.e., 32%, 34% and 35% for annual income starting at $750,000, $1 million and $3 million pesos, respectively.

2. Total personal deductions are limited to the lesser of an amount equivalent to four annual general minimum wages for the geographic area of the taxpayer ($94,462.80) and 10% of the overall income of the taxpayer, including exempt income. Donations are not included in that limit. Tuition fees will continue to be deductible through the existant Presidential decree, thus will not be subject to this limit either.

3. Exempt income from the sale of a home is reduced to 700,000 UDIS (previously 1,500,000 UDIS), which amounts to approximately 3.5 million pesos


Value Added Tax Law

Operations conducted in the border zones are subject to the general 16% rate, which is also applicable to the sale of pets and pet foods, chewing gum, intercity bus transportation and temporary imports.


Excise Tax Law

1. Nonstaple foods (snacks, candy, chocolate and cocoa derivatives, flans and puddings, sweets made from fruit and vegetables, peanut and hazelnut butters, sweets made from milk, foods prepared with cereals and ice cream, sherbet and popsicles) whose caloric density is 275 kcalor more per 100 g, are subject to the 8% rate.

2. Rather than decreasing, as contemplated in the 2010 law, the rates on the sale or importation of alcoholic beverages and beer are as follows:

a) Up to 14° GL - 26.5% rather than 25%

b) Up to 20° GL - 53% rather than 50%

3. The sale and importation of flavored beverages, insecticides, fossil fuels and high-calorie foods are subject to the tax.

4. Taxpayers are required to design a security code for cigarette packages.


Federal Tax Code

Tax mail box

The tax authorities may notify taxpayers of any action or resolution by means of an electronic mail box.

Digital Tax Invoices

All operations must be supported by means of a Digital Tax Invoice by Internet (DTII), which eliminates all other means of invoicing, including payroll payments.


Flat Tax Law and Cash Deposit Law

Both the flat tax and the cash deposit tax have been repealed. However, entities belonging to the financial system must report annually on cash deposits received by taxpayers in accounts opened in their name when the total amount exceeds $15,000 per month.


Following are the most significant amendments approved by

the legislative power:

Income Tax Law


As concerns deductions:

Contributions to pension funds and exempt salaries

Contributions made to pension and retirement funds as well as disbursements for remunerations qualifying as exempt income for the employee (welfare dues, savings funds, severance pay, annual bonuses, overtime, vacation and Sunday premium, among others) are deductible at the rate of 53%. The deduction is 47% when the taxpayer reduces exempt employee benefits from one year to the next.

The payment of deductions

Deductions exceeding $2,000 paid via electronic fund transfer must be made from accounts in the name of the taxpayer.

Salary payments exceeding $2,000 must be made through the financial system

Payroll and fee receipts

Payroll and fee payments are only deductible if supported by a DTII.

100% immediate and straight-line deduction

Machinery and equipment for generating electric power from renewable sources or from efficient electricity cogeneration systems, as well as facilities for special-needs persons, continue to be entitled to the 100% straight-line deduction. Otherwise, the immediate deduction of fixed assets and the straight-line deduction of investments in special machinery and equipment has been eliminated.

The deduction of automobiles

The deduction for investments in automobiles has been brought down to $130,000, and the deduction for leased automobiles has been reduced to $200 daily per unit.

Investments made prior to December 31, 2013 and not yet entirely deducted that date may continue to be depreciated considering the original amount of the investment to be up to $175,000, in the terms of the prior Income Tax Law.

Social Security dues

Social Security dues payable by employees but paid by the employer are no longer deductible.

Items that must be donated before they can be destroyed

Prior to destruction, all items that are basic for human subsistence in the areas of food, clothing, housing and health must be donated, provided their sale, supply or use is not prohibited or some other use has not been determined for them.


The deductibility limit for donations remains at 7% of the tax profit or taxable earnings for the period, for both entities and individuals; any donations made to the federal government, federal entities, municipalities and their decentralized organisms may not exceed 4% of said profit or earnings.

Food coupons

Food coupons provided to the personnel are deductible when delivered in the form of smart cards authorized by the Revenue Administration Service (SAT).

Restaurant expenses

The deduction of restaurant expenses has been reduced to 8.5% of the amount disbursed, provided the payment is made via electronic means.

Cost of sales

Direct cost and the valuation method of first-in-first out (FIFO) have been eliminated for determining cost of sales, and no transition regime has been announced.

Real estate developers

Taxpayers engaged in the construction and sale of real estate developments, which exercise the option to deduct the cost of acquiring land and fail to sell that land within a period of three

years following acquisition must include the value of deducted land (restated) in their taxable income in the fourth period, plus 3% for each year elapsed.

Mining exploration expenses

Exploration expenses incurred in locating and quantifying new deposits in preoperating periods may be deducted at the rate of 10% per year, which eliminates the possibility of deducting them in the year in which they are incurred.

Deduction of salaries paid to senior citizens

Employers may get an additional deduction of 25% of salaries paid to personnel 65 years old and up.

Special regimes:

The regime for cooperatives producing/rendering goods/services

There is no change in the tax regime applicable to Cooperatives Producing/Rendering Goods/Services comprising only partners and individuals. Income tax on their operations must be determined as per the procedure established for individuals engaged in business and professional operations. However, tax payment can be different up to a maximum of two periods.

A transitory provision establishes that tax deferred in periods preceding 2014 must be paid in the tax period in which the tax profit is distributed to the partners.

Real estate companies (SIBRAS)

The tax regime applicable to SIBRAS has been eliminated and their stockholders’ must include the profit on the sale of items contributed in their taxable income on the date on which the shares of the SIBRA are sold or on which it sells said items, either proportionately or on the overall shares or items.

The remainder not recognized in the terms of the preceding paragraph must be included in taxable income at December 31, 2016.

The simplified regime

The simplified regime has been eliminated. However, two special regimes will be in place for the primary sector and for truck freight service, which, generally speaking, continue to provide the same benefits, with certain modifications, principally:

1. Coordinated entities managing and operating fixed assets and land directly or indirectly related to freight or passenger transportation may continue to comply with their tax obligations through the entity, on the basis of the rules for individuals engaged in business operations. The tax authorities may grant facilities of an administrative and evidence of compliance facilities of up to 4% of their income, and as concerns the evidence of compliance facility, it may be established that tax not exceeding 17% must be withheld from amounts disbursed.

2. Agricultural, cattle breeding, forestry and fishing activities, applicable to taxpayers engaged exclusively in that sector, with tax determined as follows:

a) Entities will have an exemption on an amount equivalent to 20 times the general

minimum wage for the geographic area corresponding to the taxpayer, calculated per year

for each member, not to exceed 200 times the general minimum wage for the Federal


b) Individuals will have an exemption of an amount equivalent to 40 times the general

minimum wage for the geographic area corresponding to the taxpayer, calculated for the


c) Entities and individuals with income of up to an amount equivalent to 423 times the

general minimum wage for the geographic area of the taxpayer, calculated for the year,

will have the aforementioned exemptions, as well as a reduction of tax on the excess, i.e., 40% for individuals and 30% for entities, that is to say, they will apply the effective tax rate of 21%.

d) Individuals and entities with income exceeding an amount equivalent to 423 times the

general minimum wage for the geographic area of the taxpayer, calculated for the year,

apply the above-mentioned exemption and the tax deduction and must determine and pay tax at the rate of 30% or at the rate applicable for calculating tax payable by individuals.

As concerns deductions:

Installment sales

Beginning in 2014, the proceeds of installment sales may no longer be included in taxable income as they are collected.

For installment sales made at December 31, 2013, taxpayers may continue to include income in taxable income as it is collected, in which case, tax must be paid in two equal parts: 50% in the period in which income is included in taxable income and the remaining 50% in the following period.

Calculating the profit on the sale of shares

The procedure for determining the profit on the sale of shares becomes general. That is,

stockholders holding shares up to 12 months have the option to calculate the tax cost considering the proven acquisition cost, minus reimbursements and dividends paid.


General matters:

The taxable base for ESPS purposes

The taxable base for calculating ESPS is the tax profit for income tax purposes, with the

following adjustments:

1. ESPS paid and tax loses amortized are not subtracted.

2. Nondeductible exempt salaries (47% or 53%) and the historical tax depreciation that would have arisen had the immediate deduction not been applied to fixed assets in periods preceding 2014 are eliminated.

Beginning balance of the capital contributions account

The beginning balance of the capital contributions account is the amount determined at

December 31, 2013.

Beginning balance of the after-tax earnings account (CUFIN)

A transitory provision establishes that for periods from 2001 to 2013, after-tax earnings must be determined as per the Income Tax Law in effect at such tax period.

The provision does not specify the mechanism for determining CUFIN for periods from 1975 to 2000, which could mean the loss of all right.

Charitable entities

The list of activities that can be engaged in by charitable entities authorized to receive

donations is extended.

Civil entities or associations engaged in teaching activities and those organized for sporting purposes

In order to be considered not subject to income tax, civil entities and associations engaged in teaching activities must secure and maintain an authorization to receive deductible donations and sporting associations recognized by the National Sports Commission must be members of the National Sports System in the terms of the General Physical Culture and Sports Law.

Recoverable asset tax (AT)

Taxpayers having paid asset tax from 2004 to 2007 that they have not yet recovered may request a refund to the extent that they actually pay income tax, in the terms of the third transitory article of the Flat Tax Law published on October 1, 2007.

I.2 Tax consolidation

The new Income Tax Law eliminates the tax consolidation regime under the following


1. The regime remains in place for groups that opted to consolidate as from 2010 and have therefore been consolidating for less than five years.

2. Groups that have been consolidating for more than five years must deconsolidate and have three options for determining and paying deferred tax.

3. Opt for a new regime


Following are the features of each of the aforementioned scenarios:

Continuation of the tax consolidation regime

The new Income Tax Law establishes that groups authorized at December 31, 2013 to

determine a consolidated tax result in the terms of the Income Tax Law in effect up to

December 31, 2013 and are within the term of five years mentioned it article 64 of that law, may continue to determine tax as per the provisions contained in Chapter VI of Title II of the repealed law during the years remaining of that five-year period.

Year in which consolidation began 2010 2011 2012 2013

Last year of consolidation 2014 2015 2016 2017

Until they complete the aforementioned term, those groups will continue to be entitled to the following benefits

1. Immediate application (in the year in which they arise) of the tax losses of the controlling

and the controlled companies of the group against the tax profits of other companies of the group, thus streamlining cash flows as a result of deferring the payment of income tax at the group level.

2. Deferral, over a period of five years, of income tax on dividends not arising from the CUFIN, paid among the companies of the consolidating group.

3. Calculating the tax cost of shares of the controlling company considering consolidated tax results, which generally means an increase in the cost of shares.

Once the five-year period established in article 64 of the Income Tax Law has elapsed, the controlling company must determine deferred tax as per either of the two provisions contained in section XV of the ninth transitory article of the new Income Tax Law, and pay income tax by the following deadlines as from conclusion of the five-year period:

1. 25% in May of the first tax period

2. 25% in April of the second tax period

3. 20% in April of the third tax period

4. 15% in April of the fourth tax period

5. 15% in April of the fifth tax period

The tax to be paid (with the exception of the first 25% of deferred tax) must be restated.

Procedures for determining the tax arising from deconsolidation

The transitory provisions contemplate the following optional procedures for calculating tax on group deconsolidation:

1. Applying the deconsolidation rules contained in article 71 of the 2013 Income Tax Law.

2. Applying the optional procedure established in section XV of the ninth transitory article of the new Income Tax Law.

3. Calculating, for the periods from 2008 to 2013, tax deferred in the terms of article 71-A of the Income Tax Law in effect up to 2013 and paying that tax by the deadlines established in that law.


Alternatives 1 and 2 for determining tax resulting from deconsolidation consist of recognizing the effects in the 2013 period by filing an amended return, considering the following items:

1. Special consolidating items

2. The unamortized tax losses of the controlled company and the unamortized individual tax losses of the controlling company.

3. Losses on the sale of shares

4. Dividends distributed among companies of the group, not arising from the CUFIN

5. The difference between the consolidated CUFIN and the individual CUFINs of the controlled and controlling companies.

6. Recoverable asset tax

The procedures for calculating deferred tax as per alternatives 1 and 2 above differ in that under alternative 1, all the above items are included in the 2013 tax result, while under alternative 2, only the first three items are included and the tax on dividends and CUFIN differences are calculated separately.

Special consolidating items

A controlling company with special consolidating items prior to 2002 arising from the sale of shares, land and fixed assets among the companies of the group may pay the respective deferred tax when the items giving rise to those items are sold to parties outside the group.

Dividends not paid from the CUFIN

The controlling company need pay no tax on dividends paid among companies of the group prior to January 1, 1999, even when not arising from the CUFIN.

Furthermore, the group may opt for tax on CUFIN dividends not paid from 2002 to 2013 to be paid by the controlling company that distributed the dividends or profits, no later than the fifth month following the month in which deconsolidation occurs (May 2013).

In the latter case, a controlled company may credit dividend tax against income tax payable for the period and the two following periods, in the terms of section I of article 10 of the Income

Tax Law in effect as from January 1, 2014 and must recognize the effect in the balance of the CUFIN at January 1, 2014. On the other hand, the company receiving the dividend may increase its CUFIN balance by the restated amount of the dividends or profits on which tax has been paid.

In order to take that option, the controlling company must notify the SAT by the last day of February 2014 in a free-form statement containing the name of each of the companies that will be making the tax payment, the amount of the dividend or profit and the respective tax on each, as well as the name of the company or companies that have received the dividend or profit in question and will be increasing the balance of their CUFIN as a result of taking that option.

CUFIN differences

For the purpose of the CUFIN differences, only the individual balances of the controlling and controlled companies are considered, as well as the consolidated CUFIN, arising from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013.

The aforementioned items need not be included in the deconsolidation calculation when the controlling company has already paid deferred tax on those items or when that tax is still pending because it is subject to the payment schedule established in article 4 of the transitory provisions of the 2010 Income Tax Law or article 70-A of the Income Tax Law.

Lastly, the controlling company must add (to income tax determined on the deconsolidation) deferred tax arising from comparing the CUFIN and reinvested CUFIN balances for the periods from 2004 to 2007 on which it has opted to defer determination and payment of the respective tax.


Deadlines for paying the tax

The tax resulting from deconsolidation must be paid to the tax authorities as follows:

1. 25% no later than the last day of May 2014

2. 25% no later than the last day of April 2015

3. 20% no later than the last day of April 2016

4. 15% no later than the last day of April 2017

5. 15% no later than the last day of April 2018

That tax (with the exception of the first 25%) must be restated for inflation.

Additionally, taxpayers which at December 31, 2013 are subject to the payment schedules contained in the fourth transitory provision for 2010 or article 70-A of the Income Tax Law in effect up to December 31, 2013 must continue paying tax deferred under consolidation in 2007 and preceding years, as per the aforementioned provisions, until completing payment according to the specified schedule.

Asset tax

The following is applicable to both the controlling and controlled companies as concerns asset tax payable by the controlling company as a result of deconsolidation and recoverable tax:

1. The controlling company must determine asset tax payable by subtracting asset tax paid by its controlled companies (recoverable) from consolidated asset tax paid in prior periods (recoverable). The tax payable is the amount by which the controlled companies’ recoverable tax exceeds consolidated recoverable tax.

2. The tax may be paid in installments as specified in article 70-A in effect in 2013, rather than the month following deconsolidation.

3. The controlling company must provide the controlled companies with a certificate that will allow them to recover the respective asset tax.


A new optional regime for groups of companies

The tax consolidation regime will be replaced by a new optional regime under which tax

payment is partially deferred over a three-year period.

Each company will determine its tax on the basis of an consolidated tax result factor. That factor is determined by dividing the consolidated tax result by the sum of the consolidating portion of the positive tax results of the companies of the group.

The consolidated tax result for the period is determined by adding the tax results of the

companies of the group and subtracting the tax losses of the remaining companies of the group (all in the consolidating portion).

The consolidating portion is determined as follows:

1. The consolidating portion of the controlled companies is the average daily direct or indirect shareholding of the controlling company in the controlled companies during the period.

2. For the controlling company, the consolidating portion is 100%

The controlling and controlled companies must pay restated deferred income tax on the same date on which they are required to file the return for the period following that in which the three-year period concludes.

Requirements for controlling companies

A controlling company opting for this regime must:

1. Be an entity resident in Mexico

2. Directly or indirectly hold more than 80% of the voting shares of one or more controlled companies.

3. In no case may more than 80% of their voting shares be directly or indirectly owned by one or more companies, unless those companies are resident in the country with which Mexico has signed an exchange of information agreement.

A transitory provision of the law establishes that the controlling company has until December 31, 2014 to ensure that it directly or indirectly holds 80% of the voting shares of one or more controlled companies in order to remain within the optional regime.

If that percentage is not complied with by December 2014, the controlling company must see that the company in question is withdrawn from the regime (considering the withdrawal date to be January 1, 2014), and the controlling company is required to pay deferred income tax in provisional payments for the period, plus restatement and surcharges calculated as from the date those payments should have been made to the date on which they are actually made.

As concerns groups consolidating at December 31, 2013, the controlling company must file a notification by February 15, 2014 advising the authorities that it will opt for the new regime.

Any companies holding tax losses unamortized at December 31 may join the new regime but may not apply said losses.

Groups not consolidating at December 31, 2013 must file a request by August 15, 2014 to join the new regime, in which case, they may opt to apply the regime as from 2015.


International operations

Tax treaties

In order to apply the benefits contained in the tax treaties as concerns operations carried out between or among related parties, the authorities may request the party resident abroad to demonstrate the existence of juridical double taxation in the form of a sworn statement.

Limitation on deductions

In line with the recommendations issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development as concerns Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), the following assumptions have been included under which a number of disbursements are not deductible.

1. Interest, royalty or technical assistance payments made to a party resident abroad that controls or is controlled by the taxpayer, when:

a) The company receiving the payment is considered to be transparent, except when the operation is carried out at market value and its stockholders or associates are subject to income tax on income received through the company located abroad.

b) The payment is considered to be nonexistent for tax purposes in the country in which the foreign party is located.

c) The foreign company receiving the payment does not consider it to qualify as taxable


2. Payments that are also deductible for a related party resident in Mexico or abroad, unless the related party includes income generated by the taxpayer in its own taxable income, in that period or in the following period.

Crediting income tax paid abroad

The mechanism for determining creditable tax in Mexico on income arising from a source of wealth located abroad is restated in order to resolve a number of matters that were uncertain or not regulated.

Creditable tax is calculated by:

1. Separating transactions by country of origin of the income.

2. Identifying the periods in which distributed profits arose, in the case of dividends. If those periods are not identified, the first profits generated will be the first distributed.

Tax that cannot be credited because authorized limits have been exceeded is not deductible.

For that purpose, income tax is the tax established by the SAT in general rules or included in tax treaties.

Tax withholding on payments made to parties resident abroad

General withholding rates

In a number of cases, the tax withholding rate applicable to payments made to parties resident abroad is referred to the maximum rate applicable to individuals. tax should therefore be withheld at the 35% rate rather than the previously applicable 30% rate.

Interest paid to banks

The 4.9% income tax withholding on interest paid to foreign banks resident in countries with which Mexico has signed a tax treaty continues in effect for the 2014 period.

The Department of Finance will no longer hold a register of banks, financing entities, pension and retirement funds or investment funds located abroad, which means that that requirement

is no longer applicable in order to be entitled to the reduced rate.



Proceeds from the sale of certain goods or rights (brands, patents, formulas, among others) only qualify as royalties when the price is determined on the basis of productivity, use or subsequent disposal. The foregoing provides greater certainty to taxpayers, as that situation was already contemplated in the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution.

Leasing of containers and trailers

The 5% withholding is applicable provided the containers, trailers and semitrailers have been temporarily imported for a month in the terms of the Customs Law. Otherwise, the

withholding rate will be 25%.

Pension and retirement funds located abroad

The minimum period for the use or lease of land and constructions built thereon has been increased from one to four years, so that pension and retirement funds located abroad will be exempt from capital gains tax on the sale of goods.

It should be remembered that when pension and retirement funds take part as stockholders of business entities and at least 90% of their income arises from the sale or lease of real estate in Mexico, the business entities are exempt from income tax to the extent of the fund’s shareholding.

When determining the aforementioned 90% of income, the annual inflation adjustment and the exchange gain arising from debts incurred in order to acquire or secure income from leasing real estate in Mexico are not included.

Passive income arising in tax havens (REFIPRES)

And the case of REFIPRES, the definition of passive income is extended in order to include income arising from the sale of real estate and from the leasing of goods and goods received at no charge.


The tax regime for dividends

Individuals and parties resident abroad are subject to an additional 10% tax on dividends or earnings distributed by Mexican companies or permanent establishments located in Mexico.

The tax must be withheld by the companies distributing the dividends, and is considered to be a definitive tax payment.

Furthermore, individuals receiving dividends from companies located abroad are required to pay an additional 10% tax no later than the 17th of the month following that in which the dividends are received.

In order to ensure that the aforementioned tax is applicable only to profits arising as from 2014, the entity or permanent establishment is required to maintain the CUFIN balance with earnings generated up to 2013, and open up an additional CUFIN account to record earnings generated as from 2014. When those two accounts are not handled separately or when the aforementioned earnings are not identified, the earnings distributed are understood to be generated as from 2014.

The wording of the rules is unclear, as they make mention of “earnings generated”, which could be used to identify both tax and book earnings, thus giving rise to a number of different interpretations. It will therefore be necessary for the tax authorities to clear up this matter in the form of miscellaneous rules.



The maximum marginal rate for individuals with annual income exceeding $750,000 is

increased to 32%. The 34% rate will apply to income exceeding $1 million, and the 35% rate to income exceeding $3 million,

General provisions

The exemption on the sale of a home is reduced to 700,000 UDIS ($3,492,000), even when the taxpayer has lived in that home for more than five years and that exemption has not been applied in the most recent five-year period.

Tax discrepancy

A tax discrepancy procedure has been established for cases where it can be demonstrated that disbursements made by an individual during any given calendar year exceed the income declared or the income that should have been declared. For that purpose, disbursements are considered to be expenses incurred, the acquisition of goods and deposits made into bank accounts and financial investments and credit cards, when made by individuals not registered at the tax office, or by individuals registered at the tax office that fail to file the required tax returns or that file tax returns declaring income of less than the aforementioned disbursements.

Income from business and professional activities, the incorporation regime

The so-called incorporation regime replaces the intermediate regime and the small taxpayer regime (REPECOS).

This regime applies only to individuals engaged in business activities who sell goods or render services not requiring a professional degree or whose annual income does not exceed $2 million.

The regime is temporarily applicable over a period of up to 10 years, after which taxpayers will be subject to the general regime for individuals engaged in business operations. Taxpayers subject to this regime are required to make provisional tax payments every two months.

Taxpayers will be entitled to a 100% income tax reduction during the first year, which will be gradually reduced by 10% in each subsequent year until it reaches 10% in the 10th year.

Leasing income

Taxpayers receiving only leasing income not exceeding 10 general minimum wages calculated for the month (approximately $19,428) may make quarterly provisional tax payments.

The annual tax return

The deduction of medical, dental and hospital fees as well as of obligatory school

transportation services must be made by check or electronic fund transfer from the taxpayer‘s accounts or credit, debit or service card, although this requirement is not applicable when payments are made in towns or rural areas lacking financial services.

When determining the amount of deductible real interest, total loans received per home is limited to 750 thousand UDIS (approximately $3,741,000 pesos).

Total personal deductions to be taken by taxpayers, including incentives for personal savings accounts, may not exceed the lesser of an amount equivalent to four general minimum wages, calculated for the year, for the geographic area of the taxpayer (approximately $94,550) and 10% of the taxpayer’s overall income, including that on which no tax is paid.


Informative returns

Informative returns for the 2013 period must be filed by February 15, 2014. The following informative returns and certificates of tax withholding must continue to be filed in the terms of the repealed Income Tax Law up to December 31, 2016.

Certificates of tax withholding:

1. Payments made to parties resident abroad and to establishments located abroad of Mexican credit institutions.

2. Wage and salary payments Informative returns reporting on:

1. Tax withheld from individuals rendering professional services, leasing real estate or

receiving prizes.

2. Loans made to parties resident abroad

3. Clients/customers and suppliers

4. Tax withheld on payments made to parties resident abroad, from the parties to which said payments are made.

5. Donations made

6. Wages and salaries


The Financial Sector

Following are the principal amendments affecting the financial sector, both as concerns

income tax and value added tax (VAT).

The Income Tax Law

Profits on the sale of shares through a stock exchange

Individuals resident in Mexico and abroad are subject to tax on the profit from the sale of the shares of Mexican and foreign business entities, certificates of deposit for those shares and capital derivative financial operations (DFOs) referred to shares and share indexes carried out through stock exchanges or Mexican derivatives markets, equivalent of 10% of the profit.

Individuals resident in Mexico must determine tax payable for the period in a tax return to be filed together with the annual return. The annual tax on profits, including profits generated at foreign stock exchanges or markets related to shares of Mexican companies, is definitive.

Losses arising from the sale of shares and DFOs on a stock exchange or derivatives market may be subtracted from profits arising in the period or in the following 10 periods.

In the case of parties resident abroad, the intermediary must withhold tax on the profit arising from each transaction, without deducting losses.

Tax need not be withheld, provided the party resident abroad provides the intermediary with a sworn statement specifying that he/it is a resident of a country with which Mexico has signed a current tax treaty.

In order to determine the profit or loss on the sale of shares, the acquisition cost may be

considered, plus commissions paid, restated for inflation. In the case of shares acquired prior to 2014, rather than the acquisition cost plus the commission paid on the purchase, the average of the most recent 22 closing prices of the shares may be considered, unless they are unusual due to the value, number or volume of operations as compared to the preceding six months, in which case, the average for the preceding six months may be used.


This regime applies only to profits which were income tax exempt up to 2013, that is to say, to the sale of shares or DFOs pertaining to instruments placed among the general investing public acquired or sold through stock exchanges or recognized markets when the securities sold in one or several simultaneous operations in no case represent more than 1% of the outstanding shares of the issuing company.

Intermediaries involved in the sale or operation must calculate the profits or losses and advise their clients so that they can pay the respective tax.

Deduction of doubtful accounts

Banks may no longer deduct the creation of or increases in the global preventive reserve. They may only deduct doubtful accounts when the portfolio is written off, as per the provisions established by the National Banking and Securities Commission (NBSC).

However, doubtful accounts arising from the creation of or increase in global preventive

reserves that have been deducted by the bank in the terms of the 2013 law are not deductible.

In that regard, banks must control the balance of the global preventive reserve at December 31, 2013 so that cancellations of the reserve not corresponding to write-offs ordered or authorized by the NBSC are included in taxable income.

Excess global preventive reserves still undeducted at December 31, 2013 may:

1. Be subtracted from the taxable income specified in the preceding paragraph.

2. Be deducted in each period up to the amount of the difference between 2.5% of average loans

for the period and the losses arising from uncollectible loans deducted in the period,

although this in no case implies duplication of the deduction.

Once excess global preventive reserves have been deducted, the bank may deduct quit claims, pardons, rebates and discounts on current loans, as well as losses on the sale of the portfolio and payments in kind, except those conducted between related parties, provided this does not give rise to a double deduction.

Withholding interest

Entities of the financial system will continue to withhold income tax on interest, multiplying the capital giving rise to that interest by the factor approved by Congress (0.60 for 2014).

Consequently, the tax withholding procedure on yields arising from investments administered by financial entities approved by Congress in 2010 will never go into effect.

The Value Added Tax Law

Financial entities considered for the VAT exemption

Interest collected and paid by Cooperative Savings & Loans, Popular Financial Entities,

Community Financial Entities, Federal Government Economic Promotion Trusts and the

decentralized organisms of the Federal Public Administration in financing operations will also be exempt from VAT, except those arising from loans made to certain individuals.

Calculating VAT for Sofomes

Multiple Purpose Financial Entities (SOFOMs) which according to the Income Tax Law form part of the financial system must determine the VAT credit factor not identified with exempt and taxed operations in the same way as all other financial sector entities.

Information on cash deposits

Financial entities will continue to inform the SAT annually, by February 15 of each year, of parties making cash deposits exceeding $15,000 per month into the different accounts administered by those entities, as established in the repealed Cash Deposit Tax Law.


The tax regime for in-bond manufacturers


The maquila principal resident in a country with which Mexico has signed a double taxation treaty will not be considered to have a permanent establishment in Mexico as concerns maquila operations when maquiladoras determine their profits as per the”Safe Harbor” rules (6.9% of assets or 6.5% of costs and expenses).

The taxpayer may arrange an advance pricing agreement (APA) with the tax authorities.

However, it is not entirely clear whether or not this prevents the party resident abroad from being considered to have a permanent establishment in Mexico.

The new Income Tax Law defines the “maquila operation” concept and establishes the

condition that income associated with production operations must arise entirely from maquila operations in the terms of the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Exportation of Services Industry (the IMMEX Decree). It is understood that all goods processed, repaired and sold in Mexico must be exported (including virtual exports).

Furthermore, the principal resident abroad must own at least 30% of the machinery and

equipment used in the maquila operation. However, maquiladoras operating uner an IMMEX authorization prior to 2010 are not granted release from this requirement, as they currently are by a grandfathering rule contained in the IMMEX Decree.

The elimination of the current Income Tax and Flat Tax laws effectively cancels the tax

reduction benefits granted by presidential decrees. Which The SAT will publish rules for certifying companies concerning proper control of temporary imports. Beginning in the year following publication of these rules, temporary imports made under the IMMEX decree and other similar programs will be subject to 16% VAT, although certified companies need not disburse that tax.

Likewise, the 16% VAT rate must be paid on the sale of goods by a party resident abroad to a maquiladora. The tax must be withheld by the maquiladora and, in principle, may be credited in the month following that in which the tax is paid.

Maquiladoras will no longer withhold VAT from domestic suppliers. This could negatively affect their cash flow.

Parties resident abroad with shelter maquila operations in Mexico will continue to be entitled to protection from being considered to have a permanent establishment, for a maximum period of four years.

The optional regime for groups of companies is not available to maquiladoras.

The tax situation of maquila companies must be reviewed in detail to determine whether or not they comply with the new requirements.


Value Added Tax Law

Elimination of the preferential rate in the border zones

Operations conducted in border zones will be subject to the general 16% rate, which will give rise to a number of implications, from adjustment of accounting and invoicing systems to the financial effect of channeling greater cash flows for the payment of the tax.

Taxed operations

The following operations will now be subject to VAT payment:

1. The sale of:

• Dogs, cats and pets

• Chewing gum

• Pet food

Items subject to the strategic bonded warehouse customs regime

2. The rendering of the following services:

• Public passenger transportation, except services provided in urban, suburban and metropolitan areas.

• Hotel service rendered to foreigners coming into Mexico to take part in congresses, conventions, exhibitions and fairs.

Tax refunds

VAT refunds, discounts or rebates must be supported by a document containing information on the invoice covering the original operation.

Excise Tax Law

Wines, spirits and beer

The rate applicable to the sale or importation of alcoholic beverages or beer containing alcohol remain at 53% and 25.5%, respectively

Taxed operations

Beginning in 2014, the following operations will be subject to VAT payment:

The sale or importation of:

1. Nonstaple foods (snacks, candy, chocolate and cocoa derivatives, flans and puddings, sweets made from fruit and vegetables, peanut and hazelnut butters, sweets made from milk, foods prepared with cereals and ice cream, sherbet and popsicles) whose caloric density is 275 kcal or more per 100 g, are subject to the 8% rate.

The SAT will publish a list of staple food products.

2. Flavored and energizing beverages, as well as concentrates, powders, syrups, essences or flavor extracts used in preparing beverages, when they contain added sugar, at the rate of $1 per liter, with the exception of:

a) Milk, in any presentation.

b) Oral saline solutions and serum, as well as flavored beverages registered as medications.

c) Beverages sold in restaurants, bars and other similar establishments.

3. Pesticides - Depending on the level of toxicity as per NOM-232-SSA1-2009, can be taxed at the 9%, 7% or 6% rate.

4. Fossil fuels (propane, butane, gasoline and jet fuel, turbosine and other types of kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, coke made from oil or carbon, carbon and others) except natural gas and crude oil – via rates applied by unit of measure (per liter and per ton).


Government mining fees

The following new fees apply to the mining industry:

1. A tax of 7.5% on the positive difference between income arising from sales related to mining and the deductions permitted by the Income Tax Law, not including deductions on investments (except those involved in mining prospecting and exploration), interest payable and the annual inflation adjustment.

2. A 50% tax additional to the maximum rate charged on the basis of hectares included in the mining concession, for concession holders not conducting demonstrable exploration and exploitation work over a continuous two-year period. Beginning in the 12th year, the additional tax will be increased by 100%.

3. A tax of 0.5% of income arising from the sale of gold, silver and platinum, based on the argument of the environmental erosion resulting from mining activities.

Federal Tax Code

Tax domicile

When individuals fail to specify their place of business or home as their tax domicile or cannot be located by the authorities at the domiciles provided by them, the domiciles provided by the individual to financial entities or savings and loans will be used as the tax domicile.

Certificates of advanced electronic signature and digital seal

Certificates of advanced electronic signature and digital seal issued by the SAT will be

canceled when the tax of warrantees:

1. Determine that taxpayers have failed to file three or more periodic consecutive tax returns or six nonconsecutive tax returns in any given tax period.

2. Cannot locate the taxpayer or the taxpayer disappears during an administrative law

enforcement action.

3. Become aware that invoices issued were used to cover nonexistent, simulated or illicit operations.

Tax mail box

Individuals and entities registered at the tax office will be assigned a tax mail box on the SAT webpage which the tax authorities can use to notify the taxpayer of any action or resolution, including those with recourse, and on which taxpayers are required to file requests or notifications and to comply with official requests for information.

That provision will go into effect for business entities on June 30, 2014 and for individuals on January 1, 2015.

Means of payment

Checks on the same bank at which the payment is made, as well as electronic transfers and credit or debit cards are considered valid for the payment of taxes and government fees;

certified checks have been eliminated.


Joint liability

Partners and shareholders are considered to be jointly liable for tax incurred by the entity when the tax debt cannot be secured with the assets of the entity, and exclusively when the entity:

1. Fails to register at the Federal Taxpayers’ Registry (RFC).

2. Changes its domicile without filing the respective notification:

3. Fails to keep accounting records, conceals or destroys them, or vacates its tax domicile.

The liability may not exceed the partner or stockholder’s interest in the subscribed capital stock of the entity at the time the tax is incurred, multiplied by the omitted tax; applicable to partners or stockholders that have or have had effective control of the entity.

Executors or representatives of the succession are also jointly liable for tax incurred and not paid during the period they hold office.


A notification of change in tax domicile must be filed within 10 days following the date on which the change is made.


For tax purposes, the accounting records consist of accounting systems and records, working papers, the official books, statements of account, special accounts, inventory control and valuation method, electronic tax equipment or systems, and all documentation pertaining to compliance with tax obligations and attesting to income and deductions.

Taxpayers must provide the tax authorities with documentation attesting to loans made or received. Taxpayers must also enter their accounting records into the SAT webpage on monthly basis.

Digital Tax Invoices:

Only electronic invoices (CFDI) are accepted; all other types of invoices have been eliminated.

The informative return reporting on the tax situation

Taxpayers subject to the provisions of Title II of the Income Tax Law which have declared taxable income of $644,599,005 or more in the immediately preceding tax period; taxpayers whose shares have been placed among the general investing public and on stock exchanges; business entities operating under the optional tax regime for groups of companies; and parastate entities of the Federal Public Administration, among others, must file an informative return reporting on their tax situation by June 30 of the year immediately following the close of

the period in question.

The option to have the financial statements audited

In 2015, individuals engaged in business operations and business entities which in the

immediately preceding period have received taxable income exceeding $100 million, taxpayers the value of whose assets exceeds $79 million or which have employed at least 300 employees in each of the months of the immediately preceding period may opt to have their financial statements audited by an authorized public accountant. Said option is not available to parastate entities of the Federal Public Administration.


In order to exercise this option, the income tax return filed in the terms established in the law must specify that the option is to be taken.

The audit report issued by the registered public accountant must be filed no later than June 15 of the year immediately following the end of the year in question.

In those cases, the requirement to file an informative return reporting on the tax situation is considered to be complied with.

Obligations of financial entities and savings and loans

Financial entities and savings and loans must demonstrate to the SAT that their account

holders are registered at the tax office, and must provide their nationality, country of

residence, place and date of birth, as well as the tax ID number in the case of parties resident abroad, and when applicable, the CURP (universal unique identifier).

The faculties of the tax authorities

The tax authorities may generate a tax registration number on the basis of the information contained in the CURP (universal unique identifier) in order to facilitate registration.

Enforcement measures

When the startup or implementation of an official review is in any way prevented or impeded, the tax authorities may resort to enforcement measures, applied strictly in the following order:

Requesting the assistance of law enforcement agents, imposing fines, seizing goods or the business, requesting the competent authorities to proceed with an official order due to disobedience or resistance.

Attachment prior to judgment

The authorities may attach the goods or the business of the taxpayers or jointly liable parties up to the provisional amount of tax debts presumed, and must issue an itemized report specifying the reasons for said attachment, which must be delivered to the taxpayer.

The authorities may also sieze amounts contained in the individual retirement savings account consisting of voluntary and complementary contributions exceeding 20 minimum wages, calculated for the year.

Tax audits

The tax authorities will be empowered to conduct electronic reviews based on an analysis of the information and documentation available to it.

Sequential review of tax reports

The tax authorities will not be required to follow the review order of tax reports when, among other cases, the tax report has no tax effects or is filed late, the review involves foreign trade taxes or fees or the effects of disincorporation, when the controlling company no longer determines a consolidated tax result, or when the tax report deals with items modified in an amended return subsequent to issuance of the tax report.

An official electronic review also gives rise to an exception to the sequential order for

reviewing tax reports.

The term for revieweing tax reports with the auditing public accountant is reduced from a year to six months as from the date of notification of the request for information.


Extension for tax payments

In the case of any taxpayers which correct their tax situation at any stage of the review prior to the tax authorities issuing a resolution assessing tax, the authorities may authorize installment payments of omitted tax, either deferred or in partial payments, when 40% of the debt to be

corrected accounts for more than 100% of the tax profit for the most recent year in which the taxpayer showed a tax profit.

Confidentiality of information

The confidentiality of information will not be applicable to the name and tax registration

number of taxpayers holding definitive tax debts that have not been paid or guaranteed or of taxpayers which have had a debt pardoned at any time, among other assumptions.

Conclusive agreements

During the course of an official review, taxpayers not in agreement with the observations made by the authorities concerning failure to comply with the tax provisions may request a conclusive


The conclusive agreement will be processed in writing at the Taxpayer Defense Office,

specifying the facts or omissions detected and the taxpayer’s opinion on the matter. The

reviewing authority must state whether or not it accepts the terms set down in the conclusive agreement; the Taxpayer Defense Office must evaluate and reach a conclusion on the procedure and then notify the parties involved.

If the procedure ends in a signing of the agreement, it must be signed by the taxpayer, the reviewing authority and the Taxpayer Defense Office.

In that case, the taxpayer is entitled, once only, to a full pardon of all fines.

Parties considered to have committed tax crimes

The following parties are considered to have committed tax crimes:

1. Parties acting as guarantors (in the terms of a legal provision) of a contract or bylaws, in crimes of omission, since they are responsible for preventing tax crimes from being


2. Parties which, under a contract or agreement, are engaged in an independent operation and propose, establish or carry out, on their own or through a third party, acts, operations or practices leading directly to a tax crime being committed.

Request for reconsideration

The term for filing a request for reconsideration is 30 days, and must be filed through the tax letter box.

Additional evidence must be announced in the request or within 15 days following filing of the request, and must be produced within a term of 15 days following the date on which they are announced.

Guarantee and payment of tax liabilities

In all cases, the term for paying or guaranteeing taxes assessed by the tax authorities as a result of an official review is 30 days.

In the case of a request for reconsideration, the taxpayer has 10 days as from the day following the date on which notification of the resolution becomes effective, to pay or guarantee the respective tax liability.


The Customs Law

Amendments to the Customs Law are focused on simplifying and modernizing customs

procedures and making them more efficient, as follows:


Customs agents will no longer be necessary for handling customs procedures. Importers and exporters may use an authorized legal representative to handle the processing of goods for that purpose. That representative must comply with certain requirements concerning experience and specialization in customs matters, as established in the Regulations. This measure will bring down the costs of importing and exporting goods. However, the responsibility and risk for the importer or exporter must be evaluated.

The substitute customs agent and in-house customs agent concepts have been eliminated from legislation.

Cases have been increased where customs processing can be conducted at locations other than authorized locations, which provides greater flexibility.

The SAT may authorize the rectification of customs declarations in fields not permitted up to 2013, once customs processing has been concluded. Los changes will provide taxpayers with greater juridical security.

Merchandise on deposit at an in-bond warehouse at a customs house may be placed under the strategic in-bond warehouse regime without the need to withdraw that merchandise from the warehouse in which they are located, provided there is compliance with the control guidelines to be made known at some later date.

As concerns sanctions, certain tax liabilities may be paid with a 50% reduction in fines,

provided the payment is made prior to notification of the resolution imposing the sanction.


Customs processing may be conducted with the use of electronic systems with digital

documents, using electronic signatures and digital seals, which enhances the use of the single foreign trade counter service (VUCEM).

One of the important matters in the modernization of customs processing is the change in the merchandise review process, which will indirectly generate greater efficiency by implementing nonintrusive reviews and improving risk analysis. The second customs inspection has also been eliminated.

The taxpayer may provide the authorities with electronic files to demonstrate compliance with its obligations.


The program for the importation of railway equipment has been modified with a view to

promoting railway use, including the possibility of temporarily importing locomotives and

specialized equipment for a term of up to 10 years. For certain supply chains, the use of

railways will bring down transportation costs.

In order to promote the Strategic in Bond Warehouse regime, those warehouses may be established throughout Mexico at facilities not abutting in bond warehouses or port

warehouses, which will generate significant production centers for exportation all over Mexico.

Third parties are authorized to provide information prevalidation services, which could

generate savings as a result of greater availability of those services.